Another Way : The IFB Church and Cult Mentality

Another Way : The IFB Church and Cult Mentality

Tatiana Ruvinsky

Journey through the memories of Tatiana Ruvinsky as her life in an Independant Fundamental Baptist church is revealed. A true story of love, spiritual abuse and recovery. Support this podcast:

Categorias: Ciencia y medicina

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Not happily ever after but definetly a period of growth and restructuring as my children and I reunite. Closing thoughts and the difference between churches and cults, faith and religion. --- Support this podcast:

Episodios anteriores

  • 12 - Endings/Beginning/Thoughts  
    Thu, 16 Apr 2020
  • 11 - Nearing The End of The Journey 
    Tue, 07 Apr 2020
  • 10 - Decisions, Fears, Worries Parts 1-3 
    Sat, 21 Mar 2020
  • 9 - Feeling Lost and Confused 
    Thu, 05 Mar 2020
  • 8 - If It Looks Like a Duck and It Quacks Like a Duck... 
    Tue, 25 Feb 2020
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