Ohio Pawpaw Festival

Ohio Pawpaw Festival

Ohio Pawpaw Festival

The Ohio Pawpaw Festival is a fun-filled, educational community event celebrating one of America’s largest native tree fruits, the pawpaw (Asimina triloba). The 23rd annual event takes place September 17-19 in Albany, Ohio. And we are going to bring you some of this event virtually through this podcast! This event highlights the rich history and future possibilities of the pawpaw through delectable foods, and a full line-up of presentations and activities that cover pawpaw growing, cooking, genetics, medical use, and other topics related to sustainability. Visit ohiopawpawfest.com for info!

Categorias: Arte

Escuchar el último episodio:

The last episode of our Ohio Pawpaw Festival Podcast features some audio from this year's Best Pawpaw Contest (check social media for winners) and judges for this esteemed event that included Alexis Nikole Nelson (famous as @blackforager on Instagram), Andrew Moore (author of Pawpaw: In Search of America's Forgotten Fruit), and more! Plus before we go you will hear a quick update on some research and science into the nutrition of the pawpaw from Emily Anderson of Ohio University. Thanks to The D-Rays for the theme music! See you in 2022!

Episodios anteriores

  • 7 - The Best Pawpaw Contest and Pawpaw Nutrition 
    Sat, 02 Oct 2021
  • 6 - 2021 Pawpaw Cookoff 
    Mon, 27 Sep 2021
  • 5 - Finally Going Big: Urban Orchards to 20 Acres with Justin Husher 
    Sun, 19 Sep 2021
  • 4 - The Brewers Roundtable 
    Sun, 19 Sep 2021
  • 3 - How to Process Pawpaw Into Pulp with Sara Bir 
    Sun, 19 Sep 2021
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