Moments of Peace With Qaasid
Writer's Voice
Live, Love, Laugh & Learn. I guess that's what life is all about and this podcast too. This is made with the purpose of spreading love, hope, and positivity among people through tales, gigs, and life experiences of 'Qaasid'. So listen to them, because who knows, which one would add value to your life?
Categorias: Educación
Escuchar el último episodio:
Hope, a powerful feeling right. Some may call it to desire, some may call an expectation, some an optimistic faith, but whatever you say in the end it is 'hope' that plays a major role in keeping a person alive. Hope is the one that gives you an unknown internal strength to fulfill your desires, your dreams. So listen about some stories of hope with Qaasid. Be Hopeful.
Episodios anteriores
2 - Tales With Qaasid - EP 01 | Hope Tue, 30 Jun 2020
1 - Moments of Peace With Qaasid (Trailer) Tue, 23 Jun 2020
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